Pilz - Sigma PNOZ s5 - 24V DC, 2 NO 2 NO T

Pilz - Sigma PNOZ s5 - 24V DC, 2 NO 2 NO T

Pilz - Sigma PNOZ s5 - 24V DC, 2 NO 2 NO T

£293.69 exc. VAT
£352.43 inc. VAT
Pilz - Sigma PNOZ s5 - 24V DC, 2 NO 2 NO T : 750105

Product Description

Pilz PNOZSigma s5 Relay with 2 N/O Contacts, 2 Timed Contacts and 1 Semiconductor Contact. 22.5mm wide. 24V d.c. Version.

Instantaneous Emergency stop, gate/guard, light curtain, time delayed applications
Category - 4 (EN 954-1)
Performance Level PL - e (EN ISO 13849-1)
Safety Integrity Level SIL - 3 (IEC 62061)

Features include:
1 an 2-channel operation
Detection of shorts across contacts
Monitored reset
Manual/automatic reset
Start up test
Timer function - delay on de-energisation
Time range - 0 to 300 seconds

For more information about the Pilz PNOZ range of Safety Relays,


please contact us at Electroquip

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Last Updated: 2025-03-26 18:22:34 ?>